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Rollspace is GameFi space for crypto players to play multiplayer games on Blast L2 that lets you earn ETH. Biggest chunk of ethereum rewards are paid back to users.

🎮 Your Crypto Gaming Benefits

  • No registration needed, connect your crypto wallet and play.
  • Withdrawals of your gaming balance are instant – you talk to smart contract not a human.
  • No forms, No emails or selfies needed.
  • Play against other crypto users not a house – There is always at least one user that wins in the all gaming sessions.
  • Only crypto, no cards, no fiat.
  • Random results based on your entry and win chance.
  • Do not want your neighbour's know that you won big prize pool? We do not track any personal identifiable information.
  • You dont need to play certain amount of your deposits in order to be able withdraw later, you can deposit 1 ETH and withdraw 1 ETH right away anytime.

Play on protocol level forget all that emails and that other bullshittery.

📖 In search for better gaming experience

Usual gaming platforms like ours, have email registrations and you deposit your funds into their address which they control, that forces them to do KYC on withdrawals or freeze your crypto winnings in case they dont like something about you. Instead we created option to connect a wallet and you talk to smart contracts, this way you have ability to withdraw any winnings instantly without talking to us.